Managed Market Risk – oxymoron? No! Not with understanding.

Managed Market risk- oxymoron?  No!  Three dozen free tutorials are found in Trading Tips, along with easy to learn methods that we sell reasonably in our product section. Learn with our products When you become aware of market risk, you will see the value of caution and control, features that can be learned! We call [...]

2019-07-29T07:35:12+00:00By |

Van K Tharp – guest editorial

Guest Editorial by Super Trader, Van K. Tharp Traders and Mistakes by Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. I’ve always said that trading is mostly psychological and that traders should spend a lot of time working on their core issues. In fact, most of my Super Traders spend at least a year working on psychological issues before [...]

2019-07-29T15:51:35+00:00By |
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