Links and book suggestions that we at Pro-fundity have found very helpful
Pro-fundity suggests the following books to consider:
- “Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading” Larry Williams
- “The Master Swing Trader” Alan S. Farley
- “Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom” Van K. Tharp
Provident Investing Links to Resource Suggestions:
Of paramount and foundational importance to our success: TC2000!
Are you an investor or a trader in the stock market? I chose swing-trading back in 1998, with TC2000 as my guide and partner. This became a fruitful exercise in market psychology, using stock charts as pictures of the human emotions all traders experience. It was only after serious draw-downs and heart-felt anguish that I learned to listen to stock charts on TC2000 and guidance offered by Don Worden and his family that I turned the corner. Looking at a stock chart, which pictures trader’s human emotion, helps us answer the eternal questions: Should I buy? Should I sell? Should I take profits? Should I take a loss? Worden’s unique technical indicators, TSV (Time Segmented Volume), MS (Money Stream) and BOP (Balance of Power), help answer those questions, and increase the rewards.
Bob Robertson is offering a PDF book for a beginning investor to begin a profitable hobby, or another income stream, by understanding the basics of online trading and then practicing those for safe investments. It is a stand alone book but needed for the course offered in products.
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The Van Tharp Institute: “If you want to learn about indicators and technical analysis, so that you can understand some of the language of investing, then this book is a good place to start”
Leslie Householder’s intellectual offerings make a difference in how to see, act, and react in reaching a goal. It has impacted my life. It helped us launch
Portal to Genius is a masterpiece and includes the classic “Jackrabbit Factor”Rare Faith blog
Leslie Householder’s blog about adversity, hope, and that rare kind of faith that causes things to happen
What Are You Thinking Valerie Ackley has written a storybook for all ages, and shines a light on an important key to behavior and how it can bring success.
Thousands have sold and altered how even adults ‘think’. It has sold out but a search may turn up a few until this author republishes. Family therapists have endorsed the book, and the author has traveled giving very effective anti bullying assemblies to middle and high school student bodies. No, you are not what you eat- you are how you think. We endorse the concepts as they are beneficial to even an online trading mindset